Patrick Pittman

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Dumbo Feather

Conversations with extraordinary people
See Original

Previously, I was the editor of the quar­terly Australian mag­a­zine Dumbo Feather, a mag­a­zine about extra­or­di­nary ideas and the peo­ple behind them. It’s a mag­a­zine that’s beau­ti­ful and rad­i­cal in form and con­tent, largely based around long (really long) inter­views, beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy, and diver­sions inspired by the fea­tured con­ver­sa­tions. In collaboration with Stuart Geddes, Jessica Friedmann and the team at Small Giants, I reinvented everything about this magazine, building something that was entirely new but retained the soul of what came before. In my time at the helm, the mag­a­zine grew rapidly, both within Australia and overseas. To this day it’s a deeply loved and unique creature, which continued to 2023 under a new editorial team. It still exists online, and you can get a nice list of all my features in one place.

Though this was by no means a solo operation, and some of my best relationships with fellow magazine makers (fellow edit staff, writers, photographers, art directors) began here, I did get to speak to some pretty incredible people for Dumbo. These are some of my faves that are still online: